Country Roads on Standard Time

This morning I got the first opportunity this fall to drive out of the hollows while the sun was shining. That extra hour makes all the difference. These shots were taken along Magnetic Hollow in Eureka Springs. I’m certain I have the most gorgeous commute in the world.






Sure beats the freeway.

38 thoughts on “Country Roads on Standard Time

  1. Oh wow! I am fairly certain you have the most gorgeous commute in the word too, if these images are any indication. Stunning! It’s so nice to see color again now that all our leaves are down and the primary colors have been brown and gray.

    • I know we are down to the wire – just we week or two before the winds take them. The oaks fully turned just a few days ago. I find myself shooting everywhere. Soon I’ll be looking through the woods instead of at them. This is amy favorite time of year:)

    • This road is one of my favorite to drive on this time of year – I have been looking for a place to stop and shoot for a couple of years – a friend offered me a place in his garden to shoot so I could be off the road. It’s so narrow there is no place to hike to shoot. The sunshine is amazing in the morning there.

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